Step 1: Submit your video

Submittal guidelines

Max upload size is 1 gb, please downsize your files if needed

Step 2: We offer you Money

We will review your content then email you our CASH offer.

Step 3: You say yes!

Email us and fill out the forms: PDF Form Model Release PDF Form Producer Release

Step 4: We pay you cash!

Faq Frequently asked questions

Our going rates are based on licensing the scene from you (the submitter) for distribution on DVD, VOD, Web, and Broadcast. Depending on the type/quality of the scene, the length of the scene, and whether its exclusive or not will change the pricing for the scene. In general for these types of scenes, we are starting anywhere between $50-$200 per scene for the non-exclusive contract, but we can negotiate depending on the factors listed above. In some cases we will pay more for full exclusive rights for a scene.
We suggest you make a stage name. If you are having trouble coming up with a stage name, you can take the name of your first childhood pet and the name of the street you grew up on and put them together to make your stage name. In my case it would be Jo Lane.
We have several options for payment based on what works best for you (paypal, check, wire).
  • We base our offer on the following factors:
  • Quality - What is the video quality and are there any pictures
  • Content/Subject - What is happening in the scene
  • Niches Covered - We pay more for, 3somes, 4somes, and Swinger type content (more people means more money!)
  • Style - How amateur are your movies
  • Running Time - How long does a scene run - Longer scenes can receive a higher premium
  • Photos - If you have photos not necessarly of the scene itself but supporting material of the players before or after the scene